How does it works to Subscribe?
First, open your Telegram and either search for “ShiftCollector” or click the direct link: to access the bot.
Once you’re on the ShiftCollector bot page, hit the “START” button to initiate your registration process.
After initiating, the bot will display a menu. Choose “/configuration” and click “/registerChatID” to receive your unique chat ID for the system.
Next, you’ll need to provide your email and password. Select “/Email” from the menu, input your email in the text box that appears, and send the message.
To set your password, select “/pw”, input your preferred password in the appearing text box and send the message.
With your credentials set, choose “/refresh” from the menu to ensure all your information is correct and updated.
Now, it’s time to authorize your payment. Reach out to our team via WhatsApp by selecting “/contactadmin” from the menu. Follow the instructions you receive to complete the payment authorization.
Lastly, to setup your preferred payment method, click on “/payment”. Follow the steps provided to select and configure your method of payment – whether Credit Card or Direct Debit.